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What rights does a father have in England and Wales?

What rights does a father have in England and Wales?

In the UK, fathers have certain legal rights and responsibilities in respect of their child. These rights and responsibilities are set out in various laws and regulations, including the Children Act 1989, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008, and the Family Law Act 1996. Some of these rights will be dependent on whether the father has parental responsibilty or not.

Here are some key rights that a father may have in the UK in respect of a child:

a. The right to be involved in decisions about the child's future: A father has the right to be involved in decisions about the child's future, including decisions about the child's upbringing, education, and healthcare. However, this right is subject to the welfare of the child being the paramount consideration.

b. The right to be named on the birth certificate: If the father is married to the mother or is in a civil partnership with her, he has the right to be named on the birth certificate. If he is not married to the mother, he can still be named on the birth certificate if he attends the registration of the birth and the mother agrees to it.

c. The right to parental responsibility: Parental responsibility is the legal term for the rights and responsibilities that parents have in respect of their child. If the father is married to the mother or is in a civil partnership with her, he automatically has parental responsibility. If he is not married to the mother, he can acquire parental responsibility by being named on the birth certificate, by entering into a parental responsibility agreement with the mother, or by obtaining a court order.

d. The right to access: A father has the right to spend time with his child and to have regular contact with them. However, this right is subject to the welfare of the child being the paramount consideration.

e. The right to financial support: A father has a legal duty to provide financial support for his child, regardless of whether he has parental responsibility or is named on the birth certificate.

It's important to note that the rights of a father in respect of an unborn child can be complex and depend on a variety of factors, including the relationship between the parents and the specific circumstances of the case. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as a father, you may wish to seek legal advice.

There are a number of resources available to fathers who are seeking to understand their rights and responsibilities in relation to their children. These resources include:

(i) The GOV.UK website has a section on parental responsibility that provides information about what parental responsibility is, who has parental responsibility, and how to obtain parental responsibility.

(ii) The National Family Mediation Council provides information about mediation and how it can help fathers who are involved in family law proceedings.

(iii) The Family Law Bar Association has a section on their website for fathers who are involved in family law proceedings.

(iv) The Children's Legal Centre provides information and support for children and families who are involved in the family justice system.

Gov.UK: Who has parental responsibility for a child


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