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Explaining the Trimesters....

Updated: May 7, 2022

One of the downsides of discovering you are going to be a dad is that you inevitably get bombarded with words and phrases that you don’t know what it means and, lets face it, too afraid to ask.

When you find out that you are about to be a father, the first question is inevitable “when is the baby due”. Essentially, the expected due date of an unborn child is 40 weeks from the mother’s las period. Most babies are born within a 37-42 week window (we will discuss induced labour etc in other articles).

You may here reference to “trimesters”. Put simply, pregnancy is divided into three sections (these are the "trimesters”:

· First trimester: is from week 1 to the end of week 12;

· Second trimeseter: is from week 13 to end of week 27;

· Third trimester is from week 28 until birth.


First trimester

Essentially, during this period all of the baby’s organs and body parts will start to form. By the 6th week, it may be possible to detect the babies heartbeat using an ultrasound. By eight weeks the baby’s lungs are forming and the muscles for their eyes, nose and mouth appear. By the end of this trimester, the baby will even have finger nails and the kidneys will be operating and the pancreas will start making insulin.

Mother’s symptoms can include:

· Missing her period;

· Being tired and sleepy;

· Feeling/being sick (so-called “morning sickness);

· Pains around the tummy;

· Peeing more and possibly constipation.

Second trimester

By week 16 the baby’s bones have hardened, their ears have developed (and they can hear!) and they may even start to kick, move and suck their thumbs. The sex of the baby can usually be identified by about the 14th week (although this is not always that obvious depending on the babies position) and your mid-wife may be able to find the babies heartbeat just using a stethoscope.

Mother’s symptoms include:

· Putting on weight;

· Breasts and stomach grow;

· Stretch marks may appear on the skin around the tummy;

· Baby may start to move;

· Morning sickness will usually reduce by the 16th week.

Third trimester

By now, your baby will be putting on weight and they will lose a fine layer of hair called lanugo. Their lungs will start to form and their body will grow more proportionate. In the last few weeks, the baby may turn head-down in preparation for birth.

Mother’s symptoms include:

· Extra weight etc may make her tired and she may be struggling to sleep;

· May have “Braxton-hicks” contractions from around 30 weeks;

· Heartburn;

· Ankles, legs, hands etc. may start to swell;

· Varicose veins may occur around the legs.

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